Brexit: Windsor Framework "allows us to turn a new page" - Paris

Questions and answers –Press briefing by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson (excerpt)

Paris, 2 March 2023


Q. – On the agreement on Northern Ireland between the European Commission and the United Kingdom, could it lead to other agreements on bilateral issues between France and the UK, such as immigration or, I don’t know, fisheries? Or could it enable headway on other areas in the relationship between the UK and the European Union – defence or others?

THE SPOKESPERSON – The Windsor agreement that has arisen is an important decision enabling us to preserve the Good Friday Agreement and protecting the European internal market, as President Macron has said. It also creates a favourable environment for the Franco-British summit being held on 10 March 2023. We pay tribute to the work done by the European Commission and the United Kingdom to maintain these shared goals for the European Union’s future. It’s a positive development that not only respects everyone’s legitimate interests but also allows us to turn a new page. I’m not going to go into the detail of other agreements. There’s the bilateral prospect of the Franco-British summit of 10 March, which will follow on from a whole series of bilateral discussions that have taken place, at the highest level, between the French President and Prime Minister Sunak. As you know, there will be talks on several aspects of cooperation between the two countries: a high level of dialogue on security and defence matters, global issues on which we hope to be able to commit significantly with the UK, particularly climate and health issues, but also a whole series of bilateral cooperation and common-interest projects that will be discussed. The meetings will enable us to make progress on a bilateral road map, but they’re not set to focus on the post-Brexit European issues being dealt with in Brussels. (…)./.

Northern Ireland Protocol agreement – Press briefing by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson (excerpt)

Paris, 28 February 2023


Q. – On the new Northern Ireland protocol negotiated between the European Commission and the British Government, does France welcome a new climate of trust in Ireland?

Also, on the issue of fishing rights in British waters, is France satisfied with the current state of things?

THE SPOKESPERSON – Minister Catherine Colonna yesterday thanked the European Commission and the United Kingdom for the work done on the Northern Ireland Protocol agreement, which should protect our shared goals after Brexit and for the future relationship between the European Union and the UK.

French fishing vessels’ access to British waters is a separate issue relating to the implementation of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

Published on 03/03/2023

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