Billionaire Math Genius and Transformative Philanthropist Jim Simons Dies at 86 [fr]

Jim Simons, the celebrated mathematician whose brilliance powered groundbreaking academic work and then a multiple billion fortune as a quantitative investing pioneer, has died at age 86 on May 10th, 2024.

Before revolutionizing finance, Simons established himself as an eminent academic mind. After earning his PhD from Berkeley, under the supervision of Bertram Kostant, at 23, he published pioneering studies in fields like string theory, quantum field theory, topology and condensed matter physics while chairing Stony Brook University’s mathematics department from 1968-1978.

"Jim’s mathematical breakthroughs during that time are now instrumental to those fields," noted the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) in France, where Simons first visited in the 1970s and maintained close ties over the decades, serving on its board since 2014.

In 1978, Simons started the firm Monemetrics, hiring scientists to develop trading algorithms modeling predictable patterns in financial markets. Rebranded Renaissance Technologies in 1982, its flagship Medallion fund delivered average annual returns of 66% from 1988-2018, generating over $100 billion in profits.

After retiring as Renaissance’s CEO in 2010, Simons turned his focus to transformative philanthropy alongside his wife Marilyn. The Simons Foundation has committed over $1 billion to supporting mathematics, science education, and research - including nearly $600 million to Stony Brook and a record 2021 pledge of 25 million euros over 10 years to IHES.

"This historic another step towards financial independence, which is essential for an institute such as ours," said IHES board president Marwan Lahoud. IHES named its iconic conference center after the couple, who established the institute’s U.S. fundraising arm.
"Jim and Marilyn have always had the Institute’s best interest at heart," added IHES director Emmanuel Ullmo. "It is also thanks to their encouragement that we have been able to push our ambitions further."

French minister Frédérique Vidal praised the Simons’ "commitment" strengthening international research ties.

Jim Simons spoke with the ambassador of France to the United Kingdom, Madame Hélène Duchêne :
The HERI Department of the Embassy was honored to welcome Jim and Marylin Simons in November 2022 at the Résidence de France in London at the occasion of the evening dedicated to celebrate IHES and the 2022 Medal Fields winner Hugo Duminil-Copin.

Simons is survived by Marilyn, three children, five grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. The intellectual powerhouse leaves an indelible legacy across the spheres his genius touched.

Published on 10/06/2024

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