June 1-7 - "The power of..." at the York Festival of Ideas [fr]

Join us on June 1st and 7th for the York Festival of Ideas !

The Higher Education, Research and Innovation service is pleased to collaborate again in 2024 with the York Festival of Ideas around two events related to current affairs in France: the hosting of the Olympic and Paralympic Games this summer and the announced reopening of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris at the end of the year.
As part of a program of around a hundred events exploring the general theme "The power of...", this new edition of the festival will host two Franco-British discussions: one on the relationship between "Science and Sport" on June 1st, and the other on the theme "Heritage and Technology" on June 7th.
The two roundtable discussions will be:

  • June 1st "The Science of Sport"
    This discussion panel will explore high-level sport ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The speakers will be double Olympic champion Dame Kelly Holmes, mathematician Amandine Aftalion from CNRS, biomechanics expert Brian Hanley from Leeds Beckett University, and psychologist Adam Nicholls from the University of Hull. They will address questions such as the contribution of science to athletic performance, the role of talent versus training, the biomechanics of running, optimal control theory in endurance events, and the impact of performance psychology. The goal is to better understand the factors underpinning elite athletic achievements in view of the upcoming Olympic Games.
  • June 7th "Heritage and Technology"
    This panel will bring together Livio De Luca, coordinator of the working group on digital data for the restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris at CNRS/Ministry of Culture; Mike Dennis, carpentry expert who worked on the nave of Notre-Dame de Paris; Claudine Loisel, specialist in stained glass conservation; Alexander McCallion, Director of Works and Precinct at York Minster, to discuss the importance of preserving traditional craft skills while using modern technologies for the conservation of historical heritage. The speakers are experts who worked on the reconstruction of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris after the 2019 fire, as well as officials from York Minster who are establishing a new Centre of Excellence for Heritage Craft Skills. They will share their experiences and reflections on striking the right balance between ancestral craftsmanship techniques and technological innovations to preserve architectural and cultural heritage.
    You can watch the record here.

Published on 10/07/2024

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