Defence Attaché’s Office [fr]


Organization Chart

Defence attaché: RA Hervé Hamelin
Army attaché : Col Henri Leinekugel-le-Cocq
Navy attaché : CV Marc Woodcock
Air and Space attaché : Col Xavier Rival
Defence Equipment Attaché: ICA Jean Prudhomme


The role of the Defence Attaché’s office is to promote France’s defence policy, understand and contribute to a better understanding of the United Kingdom’s defence policy, and develop bilateral relations in the field of military cooperation between both countries.

The Defence Department in London embodies the powerful link uniting France and the United Kingdom in the military field.
The French Embassy in London’s Defence Department is headed by a general officer Defence Attaché, Rear Admiral Hervé Hamelin, assisted by deputy defence attachés.

1. The Defence Attaché

Under the Ambassador’s authority, the Defence Attaché represents the Ministry for the Armed Forces and its different departments (1) in the United Kingdom. He works for and is in contact with all of them. He helps protect, develop and promote French defence interests in the United Kingdom, working with the British authorities. He runs the Defence Department and coordinates its action.

Broadly speaking, his field of action covers the three major areas of a defence relationship:
• defence policy exchanges
• military cooperation
• and armaments relations

More precisely, he has to:
• advise the Ambassador on defence issues
• advise the Armed Forces Ministry on UK-related issues
• develop the bilateral defence relationship in its different fields
• ensure the promotion of French defence policy
• support the promotion of the French defence industry

Under the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, the Defence Attaché and deputy defence attachés are part of the Defence Department’s diplomatic personnel and thus enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities.

(1) Minister of Defence’s office, Defence Staff, Defence Procurement Agency, Directorate General for International relations and Strategy, Legal Department, etc.)

2. Deputy defence attachés

They assist the Defence Attaché in fulfilling his missions. Their role consists in:

• contributing to political and military analysis on joint and combined areas, according to the tasks assigned to them by the Defence Attaché
• helping collect and analyse information in all defence policy fields
• advising the Defence Attaché in their areas of concern
• being their respective services’ natural representatives to the armed forces
• preparing official visits
• preparing stopovers for official aircraft and port calls for official ships

Defence and Citizenship Day (previously Defence Preparation Day) French people aged 16-25 living abroad must register and take part in Defence and Citizenship Day.

Registration abroad is organized by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. Those living with their families abroad, wherever they were born, are subject to the same obligations as those living on French territory, and are required to visit their nearest French Consulate.

French people under the age of 25 living abroad take part in Defence and Citizenship Day, organized by the head of the accredited diplomatic or consular mission where they were registered.

Defence and Citizenship Day sessions abroad are adapted in line with restrictions in the countries of residence.

Further information about these days for those living abroad:


Defence Attaché’s Office
French Embassy in the United Kingdom
58 Knightsbridge
London SW1X 7JT
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7073 1000 (switchboard)

Useful links

- French Ministry for the Armed Forces
- French Army
- French Navy
- French Air Force
- French Defence Equipment (in French)
- French Foreign Legion

Published on 07/09/2023

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