France condemns North Korea’s new missile launches

North Korea – Statement by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson

Paris, 25 July 2019

On 24 July, North Korea conducted further ballistic missile launches, following those in May.

France reaffirms its condemnation of such launches, which undermine regional and international security and stability. It calls on North Korea to abide by Security Council resolutions demanding that it refrain from all provocation and all missile launches using ballistic technology and cease all activity linked to a ballistic missile programme.

France calls on North Korea to resume dialogue with the United States on denuclearization as quickly as possible and embark swiftly on a process of complete, verifiable and irreversible dismantling of its programmes of weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles of all ranges and associated programmes. This is the precondition for lasting peace in the region./.

Published on 09/01/2020

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