Paris condemns attacks in Iraq on Global Coalition premises

Iraq – Communiqué issued by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Paris, 30 December 2019

France condemns the attacks by armed groups in recent weeks against premises of the Global Coalition against Daesh in Iraq, which have killed several people. France extends its condolences to Iraq and the United States and assures its partners in the Global Coalition against Daesh of its total solidarity in the face of these unacceptable attacks.

France recalls its determination to continue actively participating in the Global Coalition against Daesh, which acts in Iraq at the request of the Iraqi authorities and in support of Iraqi security forces. The Coalition’s continuation is essential to preserve the achievements of the five years of fighting against Daesh and ensure a long-term victory against this terrorist group.

France reaffirms its commitment to Iraq’s stability and sovereignty. In a context of rising tensions in Iraq and the wider region, France intends to continue its de-escalation efforts./.

Published on 09/09/2021

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