Joint statements by France and partners on the Middle East

Middle East – Israel/Palestinian Territories – Joint statement by the foreign ministers of France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Italy

Paris, 17 August 2024

We, the foreign ministers of the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy, strongly support the ongoing mediation efforts by the United States, Egypt and Qatar to conclude the agreement for a ceasefire and the release of hostages and are encouraged by the constructive approach adopted so far.

We welcome the fact that technical work will continue over the coming days, including on both the humanitarian provisions and the specific arrangements relating to hostages and detainees, and that senior officials will then reconvene before the end of next week with the aim of concluding the agreement.

We urge all parties to continue to engage positively and flexibly in this process. We underline the importance of avoiding any escalatory action in the region which would undermine the prospect for peace. There is too much at stake./.

Middle East – Joint statement by the leaders of France, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Italy on the Middle East

Paris, 12 August 2024

We, the leaders of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy discussed the situation in the Middle East.

We expressed our full support for ongoing efforts to de-escalate tensions and reach a ceasefire and hostage release deal in Gaza. We endorsed the joint call from President Biden, President Sisi of Egypt, and Amir Tamim of Qatar to renew talks later this week with an aim to concluding the deal as soon as possible, and stressed there is no further time to lose. All parties must live up to their responsibilities. In addition, unfettered delivery and distribution of aid is needed.

We expressed our support for the defence of Israel against Iranian aggression and against attacks by Iran-backed terrorist groups. We called on Iran to stand down its ongoing threats of a military attack against Israel and discussed the serious consequences for regional security should such an attack take place./.

Middle East – Joint statement by the leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom on the Middle East – Communiqué issued by the Presidency of the Republic¹

Paris, 12 August 2024

We, the leaders of France, Germany and the United Kingdom, welcome the tireless work of our partners in Qatar, Egypt and the United States towards an agreement on a ceasefire and the release of hostages. We endorse the joint statement of HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani, President Sisi and President Biden calling for the immediate resumption of negotiations. We agree that there can be no further delay. We have been working with all parties to prevent escalation and will spare no effort to reduce tensions and find a path to stability. The fighting must end now, and all hostages still detained by Hamas must be released. The people of Gaza need urgent and unfettered delivery and distribution of aid.

We are deeply concerned by the heightened tensions in the region, and united in our commitment to de-escalation and regional stability. In this context, and in particular, we call on Iran and its allies to refrain from attacks that would further escalate regional tensions and jeopardise the opportunity to agree a ceasefire and the release of hostages. They will bear responsibility for actions that jeopardise this opportunity for peace and stability. No country or nation stands to gain from a further escalation in the Middle East.

President Emmanuel Macron of France

Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany

Prime Minister Keir Starmer of the United Kingdom

¹Source of English text: UK Government website.

Published on 22/08/2024

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