The Lumière! programme [fr]

The Lumière! programme brings together all the artistic, cultural, academic and scientific cooperation activities of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom, offering opportunities for stays or residencies in the UK for French talent.


"Building on the long-standing ties of shared history, geography and values, this initiative draws on the excellence of our two countries in terms of cultural creativity, scientific achievement and innovation, talent and skills, thanks to a wide network of partners on both sides of the Channel."
Mrs. Hélène Duchêne, French Ambassador to the United Kingdom

Lumière! is a series of residencies, training courses, immersive programs, professional cooperation and opportunities for bringing together artists, writers, students, researchers, etc. in France and the UK.

The Lumière program is developed and supported by the Service de coopération et d’action culturelle (SCAC), theService Enseignement supérieur, recherche et innovation (ESRI) of the French Embassy in the United Kingdom, the Institut Français du Royaume-Uni, the Institut Français d’Ecosse, the Maison Française d’Oxford. It relies on a large network of partners in the UK: museums, theaters, festivals, publishers, media, universities, research laboratories, foundations.

You are an artist, a writer, a producer, an entrepreneur, a student, a researcher,... Discover the opportunities offered by the Lumiere program!



The creative scenes in France and the UK are influential. The Arts Office of the Institut français du Royaume-Uni offers several programs to support and promote their work in the United Kingdom to the actors of the French creative scenes



Fluxus Art Projects, supported by the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, with the support of French and British public cultural partners and private donors, is a bilateral fund to assist the creation and dissemination of contemporary art on both sides of the Channel. Two calls for applications are launched each year in April and October, open to exhibition venues and curators. A third call is open to French and British artists in the framework of Magnetic, the new Fluxus artist residency program designed in partnership with the four British cultural funding agencies.

You are an institution or exhibition space in France or the UK?

Fluxus Art Projects supports venues for exhibitions of artists from the French scene in the UK and the British scene in France.

You are a curator?

Fluxus Art Projects supports curatorial research stays in the neighboring country.

You are artist and you want to do a residency?

Fluxus Art Projects is leading Magnetic, a new program of eight artist residencies, four in France - Villa Arson in Nice, CRAC Occitanie in Sète, FRAC Grand Large in Dunkirk, CAPC in Bordeaux - and four in the UK - Aberystwyth Art Centre in Wales, Flax Art Studios in Northern Ireland, Grizedale Art in England and Cove Park in Scotland.
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Lumière on ...
Eléonore False
In Magnetic residency in Wales, at Aberystwyth Arts Centre in 2022

"Thanks to the Magnetic residency, I can develop my research from weeds in a new and inspiring territory: between tourism and agriculture, sea and land. Ffion Rhys, Head of Visual Arts at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre has provided me with contacts for my research, as well as Fiona Gomersall, Botanist and Natural Heritage Officer at the Elan Valley Centre, and Mel Hughes, a seamstress specializing in the quilt technique. This experience is extremely important at this point in my artistic practice, allowing me to work freely, experiment and test hypotheses in a new studio and location."

Are you an art or design actor interested in exchanges between the French and British scenes?


Professional meetings over two days organized around a round table dedicated to art or design that gives the floor to artists and curators associated with art and design colleges.


(Re)thinking pedagogies offers a student in a Culture HE institution in France a 10-day residency in a Culture HE institution in the UK and vice versa.


A French and a British artist exchange on their common field of expertise.


You are an entity supporting French playwrights?


Cross-Channel Theatre supports the translation into English of texts by French playwrights selected by a committee of theater professionals. Plays can then be presented to local programmers for production in the UK.
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You are a theater or dance presenting structure in France?


En Scène! accompanies the dissemination of contemporary French dance and theater scenes in the UK.


You are a contemporary music venue, an ensemble, a research center?


Supported by the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, the Diaphonique public-private fund, supported by French, British and Irish public cultural partners, accompanies collaborative projects between France, the United Kingdom and Ireland in the field of contemporary classical music. It funds commissions, concerts, tours, residencies and educational projects. Diaphonique projects are selected by an artistic committee which brings together key professionals in the field of contemporary music from both sides of the Channel.
> Read more


Created in 2018, les Salons en Musique hosts chamber music concerts at the Institut français du Royaume-Uni in repertoire featuring classical work as well as contemporary experiments.
>Read more



The Embassy oversees a number of initiatives aimed at promoting French books translated into English and supporting publishers in their efforts.

You are a British publisher seeking to fund the publication of French books translated into English?


The Burgess Program supports about 15 British publishers a year in their efforts to publish French books (all genres) in English translation, selecting their projects via a panel of specialists. Once published, the books are promoted and their authors are invited to the United Kingdom to meet their British public and to dialogue with writers from across the Channel.
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Lumière on ...
The Burgess Program

"The Burgess Program is a valuable tool that helps British publishers publish contemporary French literature in translation in a very competitive market where foreign literature needs support."
Jacques Testard
Director and founder of Fitzcarraldo Editions

You are the author of a humanities and social sciences book recently translated into English?


The Books for Thought cycle creates synergies between French humanities and social sciences publishing and the British academic world. On the occasion of the launch of their books in English translation, the French authors are invited to come and dialogue with their British peers and with doctoral students from local universities interested in the same research topics.
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Lumière on ...
Patrick Boucheron
Historian, professor at Collège de France, holder of the Chair of History of Powers in Western Europe (13th-16th century)
"I was pleased to be invited to London, as part of the BOOKS FOR THOUGHT series, to discuss new ways of writing history, along with historian Olivette Otele. The mobility of authors is a fundamental issue in the dissemination of their thinking abroad."
Are you a French publisher interested in selling the rights to yout books to British publishers ?


In partnership with the Bureau International de l’Édition Française, and in conjunction with major events such as the London Book Fair, the Institut français du Royaume-Uni welcomes French publishers to moments of exchange and networking designed to interest British publishing houses in purchasing the rights to French books.
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Lumière on ... Nicolas Roche
Director of the International Bureau of French Publishing
"Through the London Book Fair, Perspectives trips or professional meetings between French and British publishers, the Institut français is a key ally of the Bureau in its pursuit of its mission to promote the cultural and creative industries abroad."



France and the United Kingdom are the two most dynamic European markets for the audiovisual sector, whether for films, television series, Video on Demand services or new formats and creatives processes and platforms such as augmented reality (XR) and metaverse. The Institut français du Royaume-Uni and its partners offer various market access, co-production and export opportunities.
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Audiovisual, Film, Animation, VR

You are a content distributor?


The Institut français du Royaume-Uni has two cinemas (225 and 34 seats), equipped with 35mm and digital projectors, to host B2B screenings for buyers, as well as previews, followed by networking cocktails.

(Lumière on ...
Blandine Lenoir
Actress and director
"I presented two films at the Ciné Lumière at the Institut français. Meeting the London audience, exchanging with the spectators after the screenings, and accompanying in this way the life of a cinematographic work in another country was a great experience!"

You are a producer?


The Institut français du Royaume-Uni develops in cooperation with French operators (CNC, UniFrance, Business France, Institut français du Royaume-Uni) and British partners (BFI, LFF ...), meetings of coproduction (cinema, audiovisual, animation, XR / VR) and immersion programs.

(Lumière on ...
Odile McDonald
Producer who participated in the Franco-British co-production meetings New Waves
"I would like to emphasize how interesting I found it to be able to exchange around fictions, regardless of the television, platform or cinema format. The boundaries between genres and modes of dissemination are shaken, they are bound to evolve and I can only congratulate the organizers for knowing how to accompany us in a spirit of openness."



The French Embassy supports the mobility of French students to the UK. Several scholarship programs are available to facilitate your mobility at Master or PhD level.

You are a PhD candidate or a post-doc in humanities and social sciences?


MFO Fellowships fund twelve one-month research stays at the Maison Française d’Oxford. This stay allows you to access primary sources in Oxford, to benefit from the MFO environment and to contribute to its research activities.

You are student of maths, computer science, engineering, or biology?


EMBL-EBI Fellowships finance every year the hosting of four to six French students at Master level or from Engineering Schools, for a research internship in mathematics and computer science applied to biology, at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) in Cambridge.
>Information and application

Lumière on ...
Iphigénie Gonnet
EMBL-EBI fellow in 2022
"Thanks to the French Embassy program, I had the opportunity to join the Petaslaki group - Whole Cell Signalling team at EMBL-EBI for three months. I found there a friendly and excellence-oriented work environment that made me discover a whole new aspect of research: dynamic, innovative and collaborative. This experience gave me the desire to continue my studies towards a PhD after my master’s degree".
Have you graduated from French Universities and Grandes Écoles?


The France Alumni network, supported by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, federates alumni of French higher education around the world, through conferences, meetings, networking events, and a platform for job offers. If you live in the UK, France Alumni UK is for you!
Join the network



The French Embassy actively supports Franco-British research collaborations in all scientific fields. If you wish to set up a research project with British teams or are attracted by a research stay in the UK, we can provide you with logistical and financial support.

You want to initiate a collaboration?


You can benefit from support in initiating new collaborations through the organization of a two-day workshop in London. Researchers and experts from different backgrounds can meet to set up a new research project. The Embassy covers your travel, accommodation and catering expenses and provides meeting rooms.
More information

You want to strengthen an existing collaboration?


Research teams can receive financial and logistical support to strengthen bilateral projects under the PHC Alliance, in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Agence Campus France, the Department for Science Innovation and Technology, and the British Council. These funds can support meetings between researchers, the organization of a course or a seminar abroad, the submission of a publication in a peer-reviewed journal, cover the participation in an international conference...
>More information

You want to organise a conference or a summer school?

King’s College London

In the framework of the Joint Programme KCL - French Embassy, if you are a French researcher already engaged in research activities with King’s College London, you can receive our support to strengthen the collaboration with your British colleagues and organize workshops and summer schools in London.
> read more

University College London

UCL researchers can receive support to set up workshops with researchers from French universities in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. The Embassy also funds two UCL Space Domain seminars per year to highlight French researchers.

University of York

As part of the York Festival of Ideas, held each year in June, the French Embassy supports conference-debates between French and British researchers on major societal and interdisciplinary issues.
> Discover this year’s programme

You want to do a research residency in Cambridge or Oxford?


Every year since 1976, our residency program at Churchill College, University of Cambridge, has allowed us to welcome experienced French researchers in all scientific disciplines for stays of three to nine months. This stay confers on you the status of by-Fellow or Overseas-Fellow of Churchill College.
For more information

Lumière on ...
Aimée Lahaussois
Churchill College by-fellow (2021-2022)
"As part of the Churchill College Programme, I completed a six-month By-fellowship in the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics at Cambridge. My research in the field of Linguistics benefited enormously from discussions with Churchill Fellows from different fields. The exceptional scholarship of the Fellows and the way the College operates allowed for informal interactions that were very rewarding for me professionally and personally."

Enjeux et Evolutions du Monde Contemporain (E2MC) - Oxford

Every year, the French Embassy invites a high-level academic figure to a residency (one week to three months) to develop collaborations with researchers from Oxford’s research departments or other universities, and to hold workshops or conferences to publicize their work. In partnership with the Maison Française d’Oxford, this program Enjeux et Evolutions du Monde Contemporain (E2MC) targets in particular projects located at the interface of science and major societal challenges.

You are a UK-based researcher?


The FERN-UK network brings together more than 250 French researchers in the UK. It accompanies and informs French people working in British universities, allows them to meet and help each other, and provides support to set up projects with France. FERN-UK is part of CONNECTS-UK, the network of associations of European scientists established in the UK, with the aim of exchanging good practices and developing joint projects.
Join the network

Lumière on ...
First annual meeting of the European Scientific Diasporas in the United Kingdom
On October 27, 2022, the French Embassy and the Delegation of the European Union in the United Kingdom gathered for the first time in person the representatives of nine associations representing the scientific diasporas of the European Union member countries. This meeting, which took place at the Institut français du Royaume-Uni, highlighted the essential role of these associations since Brexit and supported the formation of a network of European researchers in the UK.
> Find out more


Lumière! on places

The Lumière! program allows you to go on residency in several iconic locations in the United Kingdom: in particular, London, Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh and in Northern Ireland and Wales.


Founded in 1910 in London, the Institut français du Royaume-Uni includes a Language Center, a cinema, the Ciné Lumière with two screens, and a Media Library. It organizes a wide range of activities dedicated to the general public and professionals, as well as Franco-British networking events and welcomes over 100,000 visitors per year. It is a place of welcome and exchange for many artists from both sides of the Channel, throughout the year. The Institut français is supported by its Trust, The Friends of the Institut français, which assists it in its cooperation and development projects.


The Institut français d’Ecosse is a cultural center that promotes the French language and culture in Scotland. It includes a cultural service, a language course service, as well as a Media Library with access to more than 20,000 books.


The Maison Française d’Oxford (MFO) is a research center in the humanities and social sciences, supported by the French Embassy and the CNRS. It welcomes students, academics and researchers who participate in its scientific programs. It can also receive artists in residence. Conference rooms are available for one-time events or regular seminars.


The Maison de l’Institut de France in London offers quality accommodation to French researchers and students, whatever their discipline, who have an assignment or research to do in London. The house allows those it hosts to conduct their work in favorable conditions. Nearly a century after Edmond de Rothschild’s donation, its founding intention has lost none of its relevance.


EMBL-EBI is part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), an inter-governmental research organization funded by over 20 member states. The co-location of the EMBL-EBI with the Wellcome Sanger Institute provides essential synergies, as the EMBL-EBI maintains the most comprehensive range of molecular data resources in the world, developed in collaboration with colleagues from all over the world, and open to all. Every year, French students carry out research internships with the support of the French Embassy.


Founded in 1960, Churchill College is the national and Commonwealth memorial to Sir Winston Churchill and embodies his vision of how higher education should benefit modern society. Today, Churchill College has approximately 800 undergraduate and graduate students, 150 Fellows, 50 By-Fellows, and a community of 9800 alumni worldwide. The partnership with the French Embassy allows French scholars to reside at the College each year to conduct research.

Published on 24/05/2023

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