France, UK, Germany send Iran support to fight COVID-19
COVID-19 – Communiqué issued by France, Germany and the United Kingdom¹
Paris, 2 March 2020
France, Germany and the United Kingdom express their full solidarity with all impacted by COVID-19 in Iran. We are offering Iran a comprehensive package of both material and financial support to combat the rapid spread of the disease.
The material will be transported urgently by plane on 2 March and will include equipment for laboratory tests, as well as other equipment, including protective body suits and gloves.
The E3 has also committed to providing urgent additional financial support close to €5 million to fight the COVID-19 epidemic affecting Iran, through the WHO or other UN agencies.
We will continue to support global efforts to combat the outbreak of COVID-19. Our support is directed to help the most vulnerable across the globe./.
¹Source of English text: UK government website.