Iran asked to explain French woman’s arrest

Iran – Press briefing by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson (excerpt)

Paris, 15 July 2019

Q. – Fariba Adelkhah, a French-Iranian academic at Sciences Po, was arrested in early June in Iran. What is France’s response? Have the French authorities discussed this issue with the Iranians?

THE SPOKESPERSON – The French authorities were recently notified of the arrest of Fariba Adelkhah, who is a dual citizen of France and Iran.

In this context, the French authorities have approached the Iranian authorities for information on Mme Adelkhah’s situation and arrest and to request consular access, as provided for in these circumstances – a necessary prerequisite for her swift release.

There has been no satisfactory response to these requests thus far.

France calls on the Iranian authorities to fully clarify Mme Adelkhah’s situation and reiterates its requests, particularly the prompt authorization of consular access./.

Published on 09/01/2020

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